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We do more than just clean.

If you’ve ever hired a cleaning service, chances are you have also had to let one go for one reason or another. Whether they send untrained or unsupervised cleaners, or fail to constantly check to ensure the work is always done properly, most cleaning companies fail to meet expectations. 

At Pristine Clean we do things differently. It is our belief that a service business is only as good as the people providing that service. It is for this reason that we focus so much of our efforts on the personal management of each one of our accounts and on the people we hire. By focusing on our people we foster great relationships with happy employees who genuinely want to provide outstanding service to our clients.

We are a bonded and insured full-service cleaning company but prefer to call ourselves image enhancement specialists because it's more than just cleaning, we are responsible for maintaining your customer-facing image – an incredibly important yet often overlooked responsibility. We strongly believe that the small details matter and so do your customers; and it’s the level of attention to those little details that will either keep them coming back over and over or give them cause to take their business elsewhere.

By maintaining a close relationship with our clients, we are able to understand exactly the image they wish to project to the customer. We are then able to ensure brand image excellence and consistency which translates to satisfied customers, outstanding reviews, repeat business and increased revenue.